Internet of Events
The Internet of Events (IoE) refers to a concept where significant events (the actions, activities or occurrences within a system or process) are continuously tracked, analysed and responded to in real-time through interconnected digital technologies.
These events seamlessly trigger workflow activities via the Digital Transformation Transfer Protocol (DTTP). This is a crucial set of embedded rules designed to interpret event data and manage workflows effectively.
As already mentioned, this ensures that every necessary process is either fully executed and authorised or, at a minimum, considered and indemnified.
Below is a summarised representation of event document type definitions, organised by subsystem: Demand, Transformation, Service Delivery and Value. This categorisation offers an efficient approach to capturing and managing digital event data.
Demand Events
The global digital transformation market is growing rapidly. By 2034, the market is generally expected to expand significantly, with forecasts suggesting growth factors ranging from 1.5x to 3x, depending on specific sectors.
- Innovation and Improvement: Proposals, Financial Agenda Outcome and improvement requests.
- Audits: Requests and outcomes for improvement, resource planning and value assessments.
- Feasibility & Alignment: Economic, operational, technical and schedule feasibility, alongside business and technical alignment.
- Stakeholder Requirements: Funding, delivery issues, delays and project practicality status changes.
- Investment Portfolio: performance indicators, health and progress toward its value goals.
Demand Conrol Subsystem: Suggested Event ID Allocation
101000 innovation and creativity | 101005 improvement proposal | 101010 Financial Agenda Outcome | 101015 improvement request |
102000 improvement audit request | 102005 improvement audit outcome | 102010 resource plan audit request | 102015 resource plan outcome |
103000 value assessment audit request | 103005 value assessment outcome | 103010 business alignment status | 103015 technical aligngnment status |
104000 strategic economic feasibility status | 104005 strategic operation feasiblity status | 104010 strategic technical feasibility status | 104015 strategic schedule feasibility status |
105000 strategic feasibility audit request | 105005 strategic feasibility audit outcome | 105015 quality plan status | 105020 investment portfolio status |
106000 stakeholder requirement delivered | 106005 development resource funded | 106010 implementation resource funded | 106015 feasibility issue |
107000 delivery delay time | 107005 postponed | 107010 descoped | 107015 cancelled |
- Requirements & Vision: Defining, explication, acceptance, or rejection, including QA completion.
- Solution Progress: From optimum benefit identification to work-in-progress and rejections.
- Planning & Development: Evaluating the viability of plans and development stages.
- Testing & Auditing: Completion of unit, security and compliance tests, including audit outcomes.
- Configuration & Risk Management: Building configurations, testing, identifying risks and assessing failures.
- Deployment & Assurance: Achieving or failing deployment, meeting service assurance criteria.
Transformation Control Substystem: Suggested Event ID Allocation
208000 vision requirement defined | 208005 vision requirement explication | 208010 requirement defined | 208015 requirement rejected |
208020 requirement QA complete | 209005 solution optimum benefit | 209010 solutions work in progress | 209015 solutions rejected |
210015 plan rejected | 210010 planning work in progress | 210020 development viable | 210025 development not viable |
211010 unit test complete | 211011 security test complete | 211012 compliance test complete | 211015 security audit complete |
211020 compliance audit complete | 211025 unit test audit complete | 211030 standards failure | 211035 data architecture audit complete |
212005 configuration built | 212010 configuration work in progess | 212015 configuration functionally tested | 212020 configuration operationally tested |
212025 configuration failure | 213005 risk identified | 213010 failure (risk associated) | 213015 failures (not risk associated) |
214010 service assurance criteria achieved | 214015 deployment achieved | 214020 deployment failed |
- Failures & Defects: Monitoring service and non-service failures, defect rates and outages.
- Service Satisfaction & Transformation Efforts: Tracking satisfaction, update efforts and rework.
- Batch & Online Performance: Analysing current, target and test batch durations and online performance metrics.
- Throughput Capacity & Network Metrics: Monitoring maximum, actual and test capacities, network bandwidth, latency and server metrics.
Service Delivery Control Sub Stystem: Suggested Event ID Allocation
315000 service failure | 315005 non-service failure | 316005 request defect rate | 316010 service outage |
316015 service satisfaction | 316020 update transformation effort | 316025 amend transformation effort | 316030 update WIP effort |
316035 update rework effort | 316040 estimate mean delivery time | 317005 current batch duration | 317007 current online actual |
317010 target batch duration | 317013 target online percentiles | 317015 test batch duration | 317017 test online percentiles |
319005 maximum throughput capacity | 319010 actual throughput capacity | 319015 test throughput capacity | 318010 high/low/norm/avge I/O usage |
318011 server with high average I/O | 318015 server with normal memory usage | 318016 server with high memory usage | 318017 server with low memory usage |
318020 normal swap space usage | 318022 server high swap space usage | 318024 server with low swap space usage | 318025 network bandwith utilisation |
318030 network latency utilisation | 318035 network available time utilisation |
- Improvement & Financial Costs: Tracking costs and budgets for improvements and financial agendas.
- Strategy & Planning: Monitoring costs and budgets for strategic and planning activities.
- Feasibility, Portfolio, & Transformation: Costs and budgets for feasibility, portfolio, design, development, QA and implementation.
- Service Operations & Efficiency: Managing costs and budgets for SLA, operations, efficiency, capacity and business.
- Revenue Tracking: Actual and projected revenue outcomes.
Value Control Subsystem: Suggested Event ID Allocation
420000 improvement cost | 420005 improvement budget | 420010 finance cost | 420015 finance budget |
420020 strategy cost | 420025 strategy budget | 420030 planning cost | 420035 planning budget |
420040 feasibility cost | 420045 feasibility budget | 420050 portfolio cost | 420055 portfolio budget |
420060 transform design cost | 420065 transform design budget | 420070 transform development cost | 420075 transform development budget |
420080 transform qa cost | 420085 transform qa budget | 420090 transform implementation cost | 420095 transform implemantation budget |
420100 service sla cost | 420105 service sla budget | 420110 service operation cost | 420115 service operation finance budget |
420120 service efficiency cost | 420125 service efficiency budget | 420130 service capacity cost | 420135 service capacity budget |
420140 service business cost | 420145 service business budget | 420150 actual revenue | 420155 projected actual revenue |
Control Workbench Example
- Markup declarations are control statements that specify how other markup (such as tags) within a source file is to be interpreted.
- The markup declarations for “demand event | financial agenda outcome | id 101010″ could be defined as follows:
Document Type Definition (DTD)
<!ELEMENT event (#PCDATA)>
XML Schema Definition (XSD)
<xs:element name=”finAgendaOutcome”>
<xs:element name=”pid” type=”xs:projId”/>
<xs:element name=”stat” type=”xs:status”/>
<xs:element name=”type” type=”xs:requestType”/>
<xs:element name=”event” type=”xs:eventId”/>
<xs:element name=”time” type=”xs:timestamp”/>
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
<status>Funding Available</status>